October 19, 2014

NEXT MEETING: October 29, 2014, 7 PM

Wensleydale adults
 Our speaker will be Peggy Agnew of Red Creek Farm. Peggy has a small (only 30 sheep) farm of meticulously cared for MerinoX, Merino/Lincoln, and WensleydaleX  sheep up in Potter Valley. She's the grower of the gorgeous prize-winning fleeces that were purchased for the  Fiber Finishing Project that Wendy is heading up. Check last month's blog for info on this project. 
Wensleydale lambs

Two years ago Peggy's sheep, Fizz, won grand champion reserve at Booneville. And last year she was awarded a prize for "Best of the Year" in high quality fleece production. She'll  talk to us about all that has to happen to get those beautiful fleeces we love to spin, some of her daily life on the farm, successes & difficulties with even such a small-seeming factor as GMO alfalfa. Peggy cares deeply about her sheep & farm as evidenced by her recent awards. She is very modest & easy to talk with. Unfortunately for us she's sold all her fleeces for this year. But next year. . . !  

April 9 - 12, 2015

CNCH 2015 Registration

Registration for CNCH2015 opens on Nov 1 around 9 am.  Information about classes is available on CNCH.org and then go to the left sidebar to CNCH 2015.  All teachers, dates, activities are listed.  This is an exciting conference as it is at Asilomar that many of us love and the classes are for 2 1/2 days.  There is a beginning weaving class as well as more advanced.  There are a number of spinning classes and then there are other things that may be of interest.  Asilomar was designed by Julia Morgan (the designer of Hearst Castle).  You will need to make a separate reservation with Asilomar with a special code provided on Regonline.  The cost of staying there is for room and board.  The food is very good and it is nice to all eat together.  Rooms are most comfortable with two to a room.  The rooms are very nice and some have fireplaces.  They have made some improvements both to rooms, pathways and other facilities.

The number of attendees are limited due to classroom size restrictions so register early.

CNCH 2015 Grant/Scholarship

CNCH offers 5 grants for the full early bird registration, one for each of our five areas in our conference.  The grant is not need based but you need to complete an application listed under forms at CNCH.org.  The application needs to be sent in by Nov 1.  It can be completed online, faxed or mailed according to the instructions.  It is judged by three people on the Advisory Council and is an anonymous judging.  You must register for the class you want on Nov 1 or later.  We cannot hold a space in a class as RegOnline does not allow this.  We will let the recipients know by Nov 15 after checking membership and registration and then they will be sent a check for full registration.  Consider it as it is worth $300.

If some of our members have sore shoulders, necks and backs, its because many of us just finished a harried week of spinning that Monster Mile. 

The fun is over for this year and most of us surprised ourselves by spinning upwards of 3,000, 4,000, 6,000, and in Sultana's case, an awesome 30,000+ yards in that one frenzied week.

Team leaders for Team Carolina Homespun, Wendy and Amy, will announce the grand total by our group at the meeting. They organized several public events during the week for us to spin at which made the whole event that much more fun. Plus, we had lots of attention and questions from observers. Are they up for a repeat next year? Hope so.

Treadles member, Karrie is selling her 46", 4-harness, Schacht loom. This is a good weaving, heavy duty loom. It comes with an 8-dent and 12-dent reed. She's only asking $400. A great buy for anyone who needs [or just wants!] a loom for hours of weaving pleasure. Contact her by email: kvd4@me.com.

Proudly modeling Vilija's Spinzilla yarn