May 10, 2015

Spinning at the Winery, June 6, 2015

18th Annual Spinning at the Winery
June 6, 2015 - 10 am to 4 pm
Retzlaff Winery
1356 S. Livermore Ave, Livermore
$5 entry per person

Check the last blog for more pertinent information about this event.  Treadles members:  there are still work spots needed to be filled for that day! A message from Joan:

Volunteers Needed for spinning at the Winery
Saturday, June 6 10 am to 4 pm
Many of you have signed up to volunteer but we need more to fill in some slots.  we have a big guild and should be able to fill more slots.  If you have never been before, it is a fun day to greet old friends, spin, taste some wine, etc.  It is a big fund raiser for our guild and enables us to have dye days with no charge to members, buy equipment, DVD's, etc for members' use.
Most of the jobs are one hour slots.  Spouses can also help as well.
Our needs:
    Entrance Fee/Greeters (collect the $5 entrance fee that goes to Retzlaff Winery)
    Parking Attendants (instruct guests where to park their cars)
    Raffle Ticket Sales (this is where we make our money)
    1-2  (two people)
    Set-Up of raffle Items (includes monitoring raffle table until the raffle)
    Sales Table of Bags and possibly T-Shirts (a sit down job in the shade)
    1-2 (two people)
Please email me at to sign up for your desired spot.  
Joan Anderson, Volunteer Coordinator

Need another Treadles T-Shirt?

We are thinking of putting together another small order for t-shirts. If we have enough response from Guild members, we could have them by the Winery day. Wendy is going to co-ordinate the interest so please email her if you would like one. contact Wendy, she will be sending out info to each of you. 
email her back by Wed. 13!

This does not mean that you are locked into buying one, but it will give us an idea of how many to order. If we have them by the Winery day, they have always been popular sales there. We could have them in addition to the embroidered canvas bags we have for this year.