This month's meeting will be a just for fun evening with an "extra added attraction". Don't eat dinner, just bring an appetizer dish to share, your wheel or a latest knitting project and we will nosh and play.
The "extra added attraction"?
Each member who comes will go home with a bag of fiber from Dreamy Goat Design Studio as this year's fiber challenge. The plan is to have a finished skein by the December holiday party and a finished item by the April meeting. Our last fiber challenge was so much fun, you don't want to miss out on this one!
Officers for this year were "elected" at the August meeting:
Vilija D. President and Blog
Laura H. Programs & Workshops
Pam M. Treasurer
Mary B. Refreshment coordinator
Joan A. CNCH Liaison
Linda B. Secretary
Yearly Dues are due: pay Pam at any meeting: $25.
Treadles to Threads Calendar: Quick views for dates of meetings and events. Put together and kept up by Tamera. Thanks so much Tamera! Link is at right.
Library Meeting Room: As it turns out, public meetings at the library are limited to on-site parking of only 20 cars. While we had 25 people at the last meeting, we were only over by one car, but the librarian thought we each had a car, so made sure to remind us of this rule [which, truth be told, none of us were aware of] So it would be helpful to carpool if at all possible.
The October meeting will be on November 10th in Walnut Creek. Address to come later. The Speaker will be Donna Druchunas talking about "The History of Knitting in Lithuania". Meeting will begin at 10:30 am. A "Beaded, Knitted Wrister" workshop will follow at about 1 pm and go till 4 or 5 pm. Lunch will be a salad to which everyone is invited. Big bowls of lettuce will be provided and everyone who wants to stay for lunch should bring an "add-in" for the salad. Coffee and tea will be provided. Desserts will not be turned away! There are still a few openings in the workshop. Please talk to Vilija if you are interested. $40 for the workshop and $5 for materials.
There will be no other formal meeting in October, but keep an eye on the blog because there may be a field trip scheduled to Jackie Post's Vacaville ranch to see the Jacob sheep. It would be on a Saturday if we can get this arranged.
There will be a meeting on the regular meeting date in November on the 28th.
Spinning at the Winery has a date for 2013. Because the usual first Saturday in June date is in conflict with the CNCH Conference in Tahoe this coming year, we changed our Spinning at the Winery date to May 25, 2013. This is the Memorial Day week-end. Put in on your calendar now, so that you'll be sure to remember.
July Dye Day will be the week end of July 27 and 28. We will have Sara Lamb here for both days with a different activity for each day. We're not yet taking sign-ups, but put it on your calendar if you think you will be. Sara is an excellent dyer, spinner and weaver. with many years of experience. She just had a new video come out "Silk Spinning" which the guild is purchasing for our DVD Library.
Wendy has been growing flax with the hope she can one day get fiber and spin her own grown linen. At left is her harvest from this year's crop. What a great project. Good luck Wendy!
To View:
An interesting video you might like:
Its fascinating, Quilts by tent makers.
Other News:
A request from Jennie Clyne:
I wonder if you could put a request to the group. The Martinez historical society is doing the 6th annual home tour on Oct 13 from 10am -4pm Our home is going to be one of the stops, we are scrambling to get some projects done. They want to have people staged at a few of the homes doing activities like spinning, weaving, knitting, tatting, playing music etc... If there is anyone in the guild that would like to participate, they would get a free ticket to the tour. I might sit at my loom or my wheel for some of it. If anyone would like to participate they could contact Carolyn Duncan at or 925 864-8457 she can explain the details and answer any questions. She mentioned they would have people on 3 hour shifts so they would have a chance to go on the tour as well.