April 26, 2023

Fiber Frolic 2023

Fiber Frolic

Saturday, May 27, 2023

10 am – 4 pm

Soul Food Farm

==6046 Pleasants Valley Rd. Vacaville, CA 95688==

Admission: $10 per person, cash or check only!

Wool, Alpaca, Angora, Fleece, Roving, Batts Yarn, Textiles, Gifts, and more!

Follow us at @FiberFrolicFestival on Instagram

More about Soul Food Farm:  https://www.soulfoodfarm.com/

Volunteer Tasks

We still need guild volunteers   - 
  • 2 entrance fee collectors/greeters
Email  Treadles2Threads@gmail.com  to sign up to fill one of these roles

Everything you need to know about Volunteer Tasks and Times is HERE

Raffle Donations

As in the past it is expected that everyone in the guild participate by donating a raffle item since the raffle benefits the entire guild. So whether or not you can attend the Frolic (and why would you not want to?) please come up with something to donate to the raffle. Donations are generally fiber related, but can be something else which most of us would like to try to win.


You can participate by


1. Putting together a donation which we can simply put out on the day of the event.


2. Donating items which we can possibly combine with other things in a basket for the raffle.


Your donation can be brought to our T2T meeting in April or dropped off anytime   at Carol’s house  Or you can bring a completed donation to the event itself by 11.


If you are dropping individual items off, please have them to us no later than May 19.


Also because we want to do some planning…LET US KNOW YOUR PLANS


Send to Treadles2Threads@gmail.com


Let us know (as much as you know)

1. That you plan to donate. 

2. When you are planning to donate. 

3. What you are planning to donate. The purpose of this question is to ensure that there is sufficient space for all items; it is especially important for us to know if your donation is physically large.