June 30, 2014


Time for our annual color extravaganza of dyeing!
Date:  Saturday, July 26
Where:  the home of Carol Causey
Time:  10 am to about 4 or so

Dyes this year are focusing on cotton and linen. We hope you will bring either your handspun from this past year, or any kind of cotton and/or linen fiber or yarn that you would like to dye.

In addition to any serious dyeing you want to do, the official "just for fun" activity will be "Balls to Dye For".  For this activity the guild will have 120 yard to 140 yard balls of "kitchen cotton". This is the stuff you can get at almost any craft store as "Lily's Sugar 'n Cream" or "Peaches & Cream". It is about worsted weight and can be used for lots of different crafts such as woven towels or placemats, knitted or crocheted wash cloths or kitchen scrubbies. They are actually really nice as crocheted wash cloths. Patterns will be handed out.

The balls of cotton are kept in their ball state, soaked in mordant, squeezed out and dye applied by painting with a squeeze bottle with one, two or lots of colors. As the dyes penetrate into the ball, they mix and get lighter and give fun, interesting results.

The guild will provide this particular cotton and just charge a reimbursement fee for each ball. We have a source where 140 yard balls will cost about $2 each. The balls you buy at JoAnn's or wherever, are usually 120 yards and $2.59 [or so] There will be no other fee for this workshop day.

The top two wash cloths at the left were made from one ball of cotton dyed with various, analogous colors. The top one is yarn from the outside of the ball, while the next one shows what happened as the yarn came from further inside the ball.

The bottom cloth was dyed sparingly with red, pink and a splash of orange [it looks like?!] Again, you can see how the colors changed from the darker to the lighter.

Any cotton yarn or  cotton roving fiber that  you want to dye. We will have the supplies needed to ready your fiber if you bring roving. Skeins should be prepared by tying in at least 6 spots.

Your own Lunch
Apron or come in your grubs.
Bucket or tub to carry your wet yarns home in

Saran wrap
Plastic baggies
Mordant baths
Netting to secure your roving for dyeing

IMPORTANT: Please let Carol know if you plan to come, the sooner the better. This does not mean you can't decide at the last minute, or that you are committed to come. It just really helps if we have an estimate of participants.  Carol:  cacauseywc@gmail.com

A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to all who came out to the Winery this year to help out. It was our usual success and could not be done with out you. The weather was great, the food yummy, the vendors wonderful, and the raffle was its usual success also. We had over 200 guests who we think were all happy too!

Really friendly rams at the Alameda County Fair this year:

August 27, Treadles meeting at the Library

September 24, Treadles meeting at the Library

October29, Treadles meeting at the Library


End Note From Junior:
Junior's stamp of approval for my "fresh off the loom" table runner