January 4, 2014

NEXT MEETING: Jan. 21, 2014, 7PM

This month's meeting is not only a week early, its on a different night! Tuesday evening instead of Wednesday evening. Just remember, all these small hassles enable us to have a free meeting space.

"What's Your Bag?"
One of the activities for us to participate in at the CNCH 2014 Conference is a Guild Display Gallery. The theme for this conference is: "What's Your Bag?" Techniques and materials are an open field, and so we have chosen to make Oil Bottle Bags. They will be displayed together at one of the conference galleries.

At left is a the type of bag we are going to be making at this meeting. We'll begin the bag by learning how to weave on a simple cardboard loom - if you haven't already done so as a child!

No spinning wheels at this meeting [if you are interested is starting your bag] Everyone will get a supplies bag with the basics, including a brand new oil bottle.

This will be your opportunity to use up some of those bits of handspun yarn you have stashed. You won't need much, and they can be combined to make heavier yarn for weaving. No need to ply them together, you can just hold them together with the weaving needle. But pretty much any size yarn can be used, even in combination. This is a pretty open project.

The bags will have to be done and back at the March meeting ready for display. 

Bring: scissors for paper, pencil or pen, a ruler that has at least 1/4 inch markings, any handspun yarn that you would like to use. $3 to pay for supplies

Recycling Request:
Lets make our refreshment break a little bit greener this year. Bring your own reusable cup/glass to the meetings for liquid refreshments. Every little cup saved from going to the dump helps.

Did You Know. . .at least on my computer, if you click on any of the photos in the blog, it will bring up the photo bigger  [according to pixel size] 

It Was A Sheepish Holiday
The ornament sheep from this year"s exchange. Well done, everyone!


February 19, 2014  Treadles Meeting [WEEK AND DATE CHANGE] "Spinning Alpaca" For a break from our year long study of cotton and flax, this meeting will give you a chance to work with alpaca. Samples for everyone of cleaned and ready to spin fiber, plus some 'right off the animal' fiber.

March 15, 2014 Return To Sender fiber must be postmarked by Mar. 15 and sent back to the CNCH committee or bring it to the Feb. 19 meeting and we will send them all together.

March 26, 2014. Treadles Meeting [usual day, time and place!]

Branch Out With Fibers - CNCH 2014
A Fiber Artisans' Conference
April 25 - 27, Oakland Marriott Convention Center

 Registration is now open. Early Bird registration ends on Jan. 31, but you can still register after that date, just at a higher rate.
For those new to our Guild system, this is the next annual conference for all northern California member guilds. This includes weavers, spinners, dyers and basketmaker guilds. Find updated info at:  www.cnch.org and click conference on the left side of the home page. Or simply use the link on the right side of this blog.

Lots of update news from the CNCH 2014 committee:

First, a request from Gina Glock asking us to find some more customers for the "return to sender" bags of fiber. She still has quite a few left.  If they're  not someone's  favorite color, remind them  they can blend them and add other fibers. Creativity is key! Gina's email is CNCH2014returntosender@gmail.com. Finished skeins must be returned by March 15.

Next, we still need a lot more people to sign up for the classes. Get to work on your guilds and also other people who may like to come. We have quite a few non-members who have signed up. Ask all your knitting friends, sewing friends and all the other  like minded people you know. We want to try and get a sell out!

Vendors: Deborah  Collins is doing a great job as vendor chair. She's sent out a very large mailing. As with the 2012  CNCH she has had the initial rush and then the rest seem to wait until after they have gotten their Christmas shows out of the way. We need to get as many as we can. For the first time in 20012 the Kentucky Yarn Barn did not attend , and that's a big chunk of space. They haven't responded this year either. Cotton Clouds in Arizona has been contacted, but no response yet. If you have any suggestions of other big outlets you think it would be good to get here, let Deborah know. We, like everyone else, are competing with the internet. There is still a great attraction to touch the fibers and see first hand and it is also good advertising for companies, We just have to convince them of this. Also contact your local stores. they also have a lot of competition on the net.
Deb is CNCH2014Vendors @gmail.com

Remember, you don't have to be a conference participant to enter any of the galleries, just a member of our Guild. The deadline for entry forms is March 15, and all items must be in the hands of the Gallery personnel by April 10.

Still time to sign up for the following great classes in the fiber arts. Support your local talent!
Log onto www.walnutcreek.org and go to Civic Arts Education

Loom Weaving Beginning and Continued with Lou Grantham
Classes begin Jan 14 and run through March 18

Tablet Weaving with Patricia Townsend
1/19 & 1/26 [two Sundays]

Geometry Blouse or Jacket with Julianne Bramson
A great design/sewing class for weavers
3/1 [Saturday]

Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving with Reba Siero
sign up for one or both:
1/26 Weaving One [Sunday]
2/9 Weaving Two [Sunday]

Silk Spinning Introduction with Sara Lamb
3/22 [Saturday]

The warp for the woven towel project has been finalized and above are the colors. Each towel will be 16" x 22" in the loom, which means it will be smaller after cutting off the loom. You will need approximately 120- 140 yards of weft [yarn to weave with]. 

The warp is being measured and put onto the loom as we speak. Scheduling a time for those who want to weave a towel will be discussed at the meeting. There will be both day time and evening hours, plus some week-end hours. The "guess-timate" time to weave a towel is one hour to much less. 

The warp we have planned will weave about 20 towels, so think about committing to this project and setting yourself a time to come in to the Heather Farms weaving studio [where Lou Grantham teaches weaving] Weaving time extends from now into mid-March. 

When this project was dreamed up, we did not have the membership that we have now, so we have to apologize if not all who want to do this project will be able to do it. Perhaps we'll be able to repeat it later in the year.

FOR SALE: T2T member, Linda V.H. has a Schacht single treadle Matchless wheel looking for a new home. 4 regular bobbins, high speed whorl and one high speed bobbin, WooLee winder with 4 bobbins. $1250. LJvanhjeertum@aol.com

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