February 12, 2014

NEXT MEETING: February 19, 2014, 7 PM

THIS MEETING IS ONE WEEK EARLY FROM OUR USUAL. So make a note on your calendar!

I love growing fiber for you.

The big knitters conference, Stitches, begins on the 20th, the day after our meeting. In preparation for the enormous shopping opportunities there -- we are going to have a "Stash Reduction" evening. Go through all your yarns and fibers; what have you had for years that you will never use; which colors can't you stand anymore; what do you just not want anymore? Bring it to give away, trade or perhaps sell. Its good to clean out at least once a year!

Bring your wheels also as we'll be taking a break from our study of cotton and linen and spend the evening spinning alpaca. We tried to get a speaker to talk about alpacas, but guess what, they're all headed to Stitches. Member Wendy donated some already to spin alpaca roving for us to play with. Another friend of a friend donated a bag of her pet alpaca fleece which we can all share to see what its like right off the animal. Bring hand cards if you have some.

Stitches is the annual knitters conference at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Classes begin on the 20th and its open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are a huge number of vendors that bring lots to see: yarns, some fiber and spinning stuff, a little bit of weaving stuff, and everything you can imagine that goes with being a yarn addict. If you want more info, look it up on the web as Stitches West 2014.

Branch Out With Fibers - CNCH 2014
A Fiber Artisans' Conference
April 25 - 27, Oakland Marriott Convention Center

 After much confusion, these are the new, official deadlines:

March 15 - entry forms due for all the galleries EXCEPT Return to Sender, and Return of Return to Sender. Entry forms must include a photo or photocopy of the item you are entering. We will have extra copies of entry forms at the February meeting. $5 must accompany each entry.

March 15 - for Return to Sender and Return of Return, EMAIL Gina Glock by 3/15 to let her know you will bring a skein and/or a Return of Return item. cnch2014returntosender@gmail.com The skeins and finished items will need to be brought directly to the conference by 9 am on Friday, April 25. [Our Guild will arrange to take your items if you cannot be there at that time] There is no entry fee for these two galleries.

April 10 - deadline to send in all items for all galleries EXCEPT Return to Sender and Return of Return. 

The oil bags we are making go into the Guild Gallery, so the entry form is due March 15th and the finished bag mailed by April 10th. $5 must accompany each entry.  The Guild has decided that if you finish your bag and bring it to our  February or March  meeting, we will send them all in together. But the entry and photo must be in by Mar 15. so bring or fill out an entry form at the February meeting and the Guild will send the entry forms in with the fees. Bring a photo or photocopy of your bag - or at least your bag in progress. Bring your finished bag if you have it done. This is still confusing! But we feel that guild members should not pay for a guild exhibit.


Feb. 18, 2014 is the opening date to sign up for Spring Classes in the fiber arts. Support your local talent! 

Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced weaving classes will again be taught by Lou Grantham. All levels are within one class time - you get to choose Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening classes.
4/14 thru 6/10

Reba will offer a rigid heddle class
Sunday 4/13

A new class, Weaving Workshop, is being offered by Lou as a one day introduction for beginners, also suitable if you need a refresher in warping. 
Saturday, 4/12

Spring Basketry with our own Karrie Dunham. Construct and weave a reed basket. Geared toward 11 - 18, but if you are young at heart, you can probably sign up!
Saturday 5/17

Pin Loom woven Felted Bag: portable, affordable and easy to use. Think similar to our oil bags but bigger and more sophisticated. For kids and adults.
Sunday 5/18

Shibori for Wearables: create shibori dyed fabrics for a vest or jacket
Satuday 6/14

Log onto www.Arts-Ed.org  or call 925-943-5846

The first towel being woven off in our cotton/linen towel project. If you have signed up, you will get an email reminder of your date and time a week or two before your scheduled time.