March 17, 2014


PROGRAM:  Mary Finley and Roger Salter of Dreamy Goat Design Studio
Mary with some of their lovely fiber

Mary and Roger will spend the evening with us talking about how they make all their wonderful batts of wool for spinners. Concentrating on natural dyes, they create lovely colors and mixtures of fiber that most of us simply cannot resist. You will enjoy Mary's knowledge of spinning, weaving, dying, etc. and Roger always has a few stories to tell. Come and be inspired.

They will be vendors at the upcoming CNCH conference in April, with a whole new batch of great colors and fibers. Stop by and say hello. Mary's been busy with a big pot of indigo in the last week or so. On this evening, they will have some of their regular fibers and colors for sale in the parking lot, since the new ones are not quite ready. All the more reason to come to the conference, at least for a day.

Branch Out With Fibers - CNCH 2014
A Fiber Artisans' Conference
April 25 - 27, Oakland Marriott Convention Center  

Treadles oil bags are in the hands of the Gallery Committee, all 35 of them! Great participation from our group, give yourselves a pat on the back. Whether you liked or just "tolerated" making the bag, it's going to be a nice display - another reason to come spend the day if you are not a full participant.

There will be after all, a Spinning Corral and Spindles and Flyers have once again volunteered to man it. They stepped up to volunteer to coordinate this activity. Which, once again, shows that this is a total volunteer happening and unless someone comes forward, things just don't happen.  Anyone bringing spinning wheels will be very welcome to join them at any time to spin and chat. Spindles and flyers are taking a break to have a meeting of their own guild so there will be times when you may be needed to help out.

April 10th is the next deadline to send in other items for any Gallery other than Return to Sender and Return of Return. At this point, its too late to get in skeins to be judged, but if you want them to be out just for display, they can be dropped off by 9 am on the Friday of conference [April 25]. Return of Return, for judging or just showing, can also be turned in at that same time. See previous blog for more info.

VOLUNTEERS for many time periods and events at the Conference are still needed. Anyone who is not a full participant in the conference, will get a free day pass if they volunteer for at least a 2 hour work session. Go to, bring up conference info and go towards the bottom of the left hand column under "Additional 2014 Information" and click on "Volunteer Opportunities" to get full info on what and how to volunteer for. Everyone in this guild stepped up amazingly in 2012, and even though we are not a host guild this time, the need is still great.


MARCH 22,  SATURDAY -  Silk Spinning with  Sara Lamb

A beautiful wild silk moth

Sara's handspun & woven silk

Join Sara in this Walnut Creek Civic Arts class for the next step up from our cotton & linen spinning. Silk is luxurious to use and requires just a little extra care to spin easily and well. Participants will sample a variety of preparations and types. Yarns can be created specifically for the technique you wish to use, whether it's weaving, knitting or embroidery. Class is suitable for wheel or spindle spinners. Participants need to be able to spin a continuous yarn. Intermediate level. $24 supply fee due at class. There are still some openings, call soon. See online materials list.
To register:
or call 925 943 5846

May 17th, Centennial Heritage Day at Borges Ranch 
will be held on Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm.

From Reba:
Heritage Day has been on the 2nd weekend in June for many years, but has moved to the May date for this 100th Birthday celebration for the City of Walnut Creek.
I will be going and would love for others to join me.  We spin under the trees.  If it rains, I imagine we can spin in the old Borges family farm house.

Email Reba for information and to let her know you will be there!

Forest Home Farm Shearing Day  April 26, 2014

From Wendy:
T2T members and other interested folks,
I know that the weekend of April 26 will be very busy for the folks attending CNCH but I am hoping a few spinners can spend some time with me on Saturday April 26 at Forest Home Farm in San Ramon for their annual Sheep Shearing Day.  We start shearing the sheep early and go all day so if spinners want to come spin under the trees or help me skirt fleeces, all are welcome and admission if free if you come help out. Fleeces are also available to those who volunteer.
More information can be found at

Lambtown 2014 
Once again, Lambtown will be held at the Dixon May Fair on Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5, 2014.  The Fiber Fair committee is eager to recruit sheep-to-shawl teams from CNCH guilds to spotlight the many talented people involved in guilds in northern California.  The featured breed this year is Corriedale, and in the Sheep-to-Shawl section of the Lambtown website ( we have listed several California and Oregon Corriedale breeders who have fleeces to sell.  We hope this will inspire sheep-to-shawl teams and other hand spinners to use Corriedale in their projects.  Details about the sheep-to-shawl competition are currently being updated and questions may be directed to the Fiber Fair committee via the Lambtown website.

Something fun to look into, from Pam:
 Design Seeds at

It's listed as a site "for all who love color".  It is an email several
times a week - 5? with a photo and color chips.  I like it.

End Note from Junior:
"You call that a winter? Even I could use more rain!"